Discretionary Mutual Fund Management

KJ Risk Group is an independent broking firm. Our clients receive a highly personalised and bespoke service; we offer a partnership style service ensuring our clients understand how their risk can first and foremost be mitigated, rather than transferred or avoided.

We’re about giving the power back to our clients when it comes to risk management and believe insurance is something that should enable businesses to grow and prosper, rather than become an unavoidable cost on a balance sheet.

We specialise in Discretionary Mutual Funds, Corporate Insurance Broking and Personal Insurance.

Discretionary Mutual Fund Management

A Discretionary Mutual Fund (DMF) is a financial vehicle for the management of risk.
It is important to note DMFs are not insurance. A DMF is therefore an alternate risk financing strategy.

DMFs are often established by companies or associations with a common business purpose. For mutuality more than one entity/person is required; these entities /people become members’ of the DMF. DMF members’ contribute funds to create an Aggregate, which is utilised to manage the primary layer of risk. This capital is often reallocated from insurance purchase to the DMF.

DMFs give ownership of risk back to the client, are tax effective, and are long term risk management propositions.

For more information download our DMF factsheet.